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Bret Hart

The Hart Truth: Why Bret "Hitman" Hart is the Greatest Wrestler Ever

When you think about wrestling's all-time greats, there are a few names that always come up – Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin, John Cena. But let's be real, folks. None of those guys can hold a candle to the excellence of Bret "Hitman" Hart.

Born in 1957 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Bret Hart was a technician's technician. He was a master of the mat, with a grappling style that was both beautiful and brutal at the same time. And let's not forget those iconic ring entrances – who can forget the sound of "Hitman" echoing through the arena?

But what really sets Bret apart is his dedication to the art of wrestling itself. Unlike some of the flashier performers out there, Hart was a true student of the game, always looking for ways to improve and push himself to new heights. And it shows in his work – he had a signature move that was both devastating (the Sharpshooter) and impressive (the Piledriver). Not to mention his trusty Backbreaker, which could leave opponents reeling.

And yet, despite all this excellence, Bret Hart is often overlooked when it comes to the "best of all time" conversation. Maybe it's because he wasn't always the flashiest guy in the ring – he was more about finesse and strategy than showmanship and pyrotechnics. Or maybe it's because he never had a long-term feud with someone like Hogan or Austin, which would have given him more visibility.

But let me tell you, folks – Bret Hart is the real deal. He was a 4-time WWF Champion (now WWE), and his feuds with guys like Owen Hart, Yokozuna, and Diesel are some of the greatest in wrestling history. And don't even get me started on his legendary match against Steve Austin at WrestleMania XIII – it's widely considered one of the best matches ever.

So next time you're watching an old-school wrestling tape or flipping through a WWE Network archive, take a minute to appreciate the Hitman. He may not be as flashy as some of the other legends out there, but he's definitely the real deal. And if you don't like it, well... that's just the Excellence of Execution talking.


Here are ten interesting facts and tidbits about Bret Hart:

• Bret Hart's father, Stu Hart, was a well-known promoter and wrestler in his own right, owning the famous Stampede Wrestling promotion in Calgary, Alberta.

• Bret Hart began training with his father at the age of 16, learning the ins and outs of professional wrestling.

• Before turning pro, Hart played junior hockey for the Calgary Buffaloes and later attended Mount Royal College in Calgary, where he studied physical education.

• Hart made his professional debut on October 14, 1978, working a match for Stampede Wrestling against Keith Hart (no relation).

• In 1984, Bret Hart joined the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now WWE), signing a five-year contract with Vince McMahon.

• Hart's feuds with "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and Jake "The Snake" Roberts are considered some of the greatest in WWF history.

• In 1992, Hart won his first WWF Championship from Randy Savage at WrestleMania VIII, kicking off a legendary title reign that would span over two years.

• Bret Hart's match against Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania XII is widely regarded as one of the greatest matches in professional wrestling history.

• Hart was forced to retire from active competition in 2001 due to chronic pain and injuries caused by a series of concussions, including one suffered during his infamous "Montreal Screwjob" at Survivor Series '97.

• In 2010, Bret Hart published his memoir, Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World, which details his life in professional wrestling and beyond.