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Cody Hall

Unstoppable Force on the Ropes

Cody Hall, a behemoth of power and intensity, is a force to be reckoned with in the world of professional wrestling. Standing at an imposing 6 feet 10 inches tall and weighing in at a whopping 268 pounds, this powerhouse is not one to be underestimated.

Born on May 31st, 1991, Cody Hall has been tearing it up in the ring since his debut on July 14th, 2012. With his signature moves including the Razor's Edge, Fallaway Slam, Rolling Lariat, and Big Boot, this behemoth is a nightmare to face off against.

As Psycho Clown, Cody Hall's alter ego, he brings an added level of unpredictability to the ring. His wild antics and reckless abandon make him a fan favorite, but don't be fooled – this man can lay down the smackdown like nobody's business.

Throughout his career, Cody Hall has worked for top promotions such as New Japan Pro Wrestling, Ring Of Honor, Westside Xtreme Wrestling, Pro Wrestling NOAH, and DDT Pro Wrestling. His impressive résumé includes titles won in EWP Junior Championship, IPW International German Championship, and Cincy Wrestling Championship.

When he's not busy dominating the ring, Cody Hall is known for his unbridled enthusiasm and infectious energy. He's a true showman, always giving it his all and leaving everything on the mat.

As the self-proclaimed "BULLET CLUB Young Boy," Cody Hall embodies the spirit of rebellion and nonconformity that defines professional wrestling at its core. With his larger-than-life presence and unstoppable drive, he's a force to be reckoned with – and we can't get enough of him.