Check out details for the wrestling card NWA Florida/IPW Hardcore presented by National Wrestling Alliance held in Unknown, Texas, USA at Unknown Featuring: JR Ryder, Dr. Heresy, Jerrelle Clark, John Brooks, Justice, Naphtali, Cannon, Frankie Capone, Pat McGroin, Pat Powers, Comic Book Guy Anderson, Lennox, Mark Zout, Pretty Fly, Danny Doring, Antonio Banks, Billy Fives, David Babylon, Chaos, New Jack, Kubiak, Mideon, Navy Seal, Mike Sullivan, Mikey Tenderfoot, Rod Steel, The Shane Twins, Mike Shane, Todd Shane, The Vandalz, Lex Lovett, Agent Steele, Roderick Strong, Sedrick Strong with an attendance of 450 fans This was a Event

Card Details

Date: 16 Aug 2003
Promotion: National Wrestling Alliance
City: Unknown, Texas, USA
Arena: Unknown
Attendance: 450
Type: Event
Broadcast Type: None


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