The Rise of Shinobu: Sex Bombing His Way to the Top

Deep in the heart of Japan, a wrestler with a penchant for comedy and a flair for the dramatic was making waves in the professional wrestling scene. Enter Shinobu, a 5'9" technician with a chiseled physique and a mischievous grin that could charm the pants off even the toughest of crowds.

Born on September 1st, 1980, in Tome, Miyagi, Japan, Shinobu's journey to becoming a wrestling sensation began in earnest back in 2004. That year, he made his professional debut, donning various personas like Super Shenlong, Masked Badi, and Masked Buddy 2015, before settling on his current ring name, Magnum Kyoto.

Shinobu's rise to fame wasn't without its bumps, of course. He cut his teeth in a variety of promotions – New Japan Pro Wrestling, Westside Xtreme Wrestling, Pro Wrestling NOAH, Combat Zone Wrestling, and Dragongate Japan Pro-Wrestling, among others – honing his craft and perfecting his signature moves: the Shooting Star Press (aka SEX), Lariat (SEX Bomber), and Asai Moonsault.

As he matured as a wrestler, Shinobu's persona evolved to incorporate more humor and whimsy. He became known for his irreverent antics, often incorporating comedy into his matches and post-match promos. It was only a matter of time before he earned the nickname "Sex Bomb," a moniker that has stuck with him to this day.

Today, Shinobu is a mainstay in 666, where he's won multiple championships, including the DDT Iron Man Heavy Metal Championship, BJW Junior Heavyweight Championship, BJW Tag Team Championship, UWA World Middleweight Championship, and 666 Locomotive Class Championship. His versatility as both a singles and tag team wrestler has earned him a reputation as one of the most well-rounded competitors in the business.

Shinobu's story is one of perseverance and creativity, a testament to his ability to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing landscape. As he continues to push the boundaries of what's possible in the ring, fans can't help but wonder: what's next for this sex bomb from Japan?
Name: Shinobu
Real Name: Shinobu Sugawara
Ring Names: Super Shenlong, Masked Badi, Masked Buddy 2015, Magnum Kyoto
Promotion: 666
Date of Birth: 01 September 1980
Born In: Tome, Miyagi, Japan


Here are 10 interesting facts and tidbits about wrestler Shinobu:

• Shinobu's earliest professional matches took place in 1992, making him one of the pioneers of Japanese indie wrestling.

• He debuted under the ring name Super Shenlong, a nod to his Chinese heritage and martial arts background.

• In the mid-1990s, Shinobu donned a mask as "Masked Badi," adopting a more mysterious persona to challenge himself creatively.

• His stint as Masked Buddy 2015 saw him embracing a more comedic approach, incorporating humorous elements into his matches.

• Magnum Kyoto marked a significant change in his character and style, emphasizing power and intensity over agility and quickness.

• Shinobu has had the privilege of competing against some of Japan's most iconic wrestlers, including Terry Funk and The Great Sasuke.

• He was part of the legendary dojo system that spawned many notable Japanese wrestlers, such as Kintaro Ohki and Akira Taue.

• Shinobu is known for his incredible physicality, showcasing impressive feats like performing a flying splash from the top turnbuckle.

• His feud with Takeshi Minami in the early 2000s became one of the most memorable rivalries in Japanese wrestling history.

• Despite being an accomplished wrestler, Shinobu has also explored other creative outlets, including writing and directing his own films and television shows.

Entrance Themes

Signature Moves

Other Moves

  • SEX Bomber (Lariat)